5 Key Sectors Using the Potential of The Text-To-Speech Solution

The Text-to-speech Indian voice software is helping businesses to automate customer engagement. They can rely on a human-like automated voice that speaks with an Indian accent and communicate with the customers. The text-to-speech software automatically converts text into audio and offers customisation capabilities.

Let’s know the use cases of the text-to-speech Indian accent and how it’s helping businesses improve their client communication and expand their customer base.

Call Centers: Call centers and cloud-based contact centers can use the software to provide streamlined customer support. They can integrate the text-to-speech Indian voice into the IVR and help callers with query resolution. The artificial speech will guide the callers to choose the correct option and help them quickly address their concerns. In addition to resolving their queries, contact centers can provide a personalised call experience with the help of speech synthesis in the regional/local languages.

Banking & Insurance: The BFSI sector can heavily rely on the text-to-speech Indian accent and provide an enhanced customer experience. It can combine artificial speech technology with the IVR to respond to customer queries. The companies can address routine queries by relying on synthesis speech. Callers often call banks and financial institutions to know about their bank statements, transactions for a certain period, due payments, credit card balances, etc. Companies can use artificial speech to resolve queries and provide quick query resolutions.

Taxi Business: Companies operating the taxi business can use text-to-speech software to provide updates on the drivers’ location, journey, and destination. They can rely on artificial speech and provide a seamless customer experience. Customers can book their cabs and get updated information without any hassles.

Hospitality: After the pandemic, the hospitality business has got back on track. Today, more and more people are making travel bookings and inquiring about travel packages. The hospitality actor can lap up this opportunity by providing an enhanced CX with the help of TTS. The sector can use artificial speech to let prospects know about different tours and destinations. They can use the software to handle the inbound calls and provide quick and correct query resolutions. It helps the travel industry save on resources as most of the customer engagement process is automated.

Grocery Business:  Grocery businesses are no more operating in the traditional ways. They have shifted their operations online and provide apps to consumers to order fruits, vegetables, and other items online. Businesses can use the software to connect with customers and provide streamlined business communication.

Health Sector: The TTS can be used effectively to help the elderly know about due appointments. The future of innovation in speech technology lies in utilising the software and offering the best customer experience. Artificial speech can be used to read out aloud the prescription labels and help the elderly and visually impaired people to know the dosage instructions. The TTS can create a revolution in the health sector by communicating better and providing patients with an effortless call experience.


With the above discussion, we can conclude that the text-to-speech Indian accent has massive potential. Companies from varied sectors can use the solution and benefit from its advanced capabilities. It can produce a human-like sound and enable businesses to deliver consistently high-quality customer support throughout the customer journey. Companies can use the software to create the perfect voice to connect with their customers. They can customise the pitch, volume, and speech rate to produce a human-like voice that interacts with the customers.

Companies from different industry verticals- e-commerce and the taxi business can rely on speech synthesis to deliver streamlined customer support. The banking and the financial sector companies must use the software to offer uniform and uninterrupted customer support. Similarly, the grocery delivery business can use the software and update the customers about their orders and also allow them to track the delivery. All such services help companies to provide better CX.

How to get the text-to-speech solution?

Businesses that want to use text-to-speech Indian voice for customer engagement can buy the software from a reliable provider. If you are looking for the best text-to-speech solution provider, then you should consider Knowlarity. It is India’s leading cloud telephony company that offers the software at the best prices


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